Kangaroo Valley Public School

Happiness Through Helping

Telephone02 4465 1182



Parent Participation

Parent support is important in most areas of school life in helping the school to function effectively. There are many ways in which parents may be involved in school to support their children’s education.

Parents can:

  • Join the P&C Association and attend meetings
  • Be a classroom helper
  • Work in the school canteen
  • Attend parent workshops
  • Provide transport for excursions or sporting events
  • Share your expertise in an area of interest, for example, art, gardening, technology, music, drama, dance, sport etc.
  • Attend special programs involving parents, for example, Education Week, Sports Carnivals, Book Week activities Attend assemblies.

In line with NSW Department of Education requirements, all volunteers require a current Working With Children Check (WWCC).

Reporting to parents

We hold parent/teacher interviews in Term 1 and a written reports are sent home in Terms 2 and 4 where teachers report on stage outcomes that have been taught over the semester.

A parent may organise an interview at any other time simply by contacting the school office and making an appointment. Communication between parents and carers and class teachers is important in supporting our students. Any issues or concerns should be raised as soon as possible with your child’s teacher so they can be addressed and acted upon quickly with a resolution and follow up.

Parents are assured that if we are observing any concerns or issues with your child, in any area, we will contact you in person or phone you to discuss the situation.