Kangaroo Valley Public School

Happiness Through Helping

Telephone02 4465 1182




Each Monday afternoon a copy of the School Newsletter "The Kangaroo" is emailed to parents and carers, and is accessed via a link. The Newsletter is written by the School Principal, other teachers, and occasionally local community groups will submit information for promotion within our school community. The Newsletter is the main source of communication for parents for all-important items of school interest and information about upcoming events are included in it. Photographs of school activities, children’s writing and drawings, items of local interest, such as local sports clubs advertisements all appear in the newsletter. Anyone wishing to put articles in “The Kangaroo” should have their written information into the office by 3pm on Friday afternoon prior to publication the following Monday.


Your class teacher will be in contact with you at the start of the year to let you know the best method of class communication to be able to contact them directly. You can also send an email to the school email address kangaroova-p.chool@det.nsw.edu.au and the message will be forwarded to relevant teachers. If you have a time sensitive message, we ask that you call the office to pass on the message.


Kangaroo Valley Public School has a Facebook page where we will often post photos celebrating our successes and promoting events that may interest the wider community.