Parents or carers can enrol their children via the school’s website by clicking on Enrolment and attach the necessary documents. Kindergarten children may enrol to start school at the beginning of the school year if they turn 5 on or before 31st July that year. By law, all children must be in compulsory schooling by their 6th birthday. Kindergarten Parent/Carer information can be found here Starting School.
Each Term, teachers spend Staff Development Days engaged in professional learning and working out organisational details for the term. There are Staff Development Days each year, two days at the beginning of Term 1, 1 day at the beginning of Term 2 & 3 and 2 days at the end of Term 4.
In Term 1, Years 1 – 6 students start school the day after the two Staff Development Days and Kindergarten start the following day.
Kindergarten students are involved in a Best Start Assessment delivered by their teacher in their first few weeks of the term to gauge a starting point for planning effective teaching and learning activities.
Class Teachers will provide further information about clas specific materials your child will need that are not supplied by the school.
When completing online enrolment forms, parents are asked to give their permission to publish photos of their child. This acknowledges the use of school based images of your child to be used in our publications which include our school newsletter and our school Facebook page. School images that we promote may also be used from time to time by the NSW Department of Education in their promotional material and social media. Permissions can be changed by advising the office in writing.
A school excursion/incursion fee is charged annually. This fee helps to cover expenses of excursions and incursions including venue and transport fees. High-cost excursions like overnight camps are invoiced separately. The school excursion/incursion fee will cover such items as performances, eisteddfods, excursions of a minor nature, bus hire to sport carnivals and fees to use venues outside of the school throughout the year. For children attending SRE/SEE a small fee is charged and this goes directly to the combined groups to help cover the cost of books and materials supplied by the group. Payment can be made via the School Bytes parent portal, using your credit card.
Each Thursday from 11.40am to 12.30pm Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics lessons are given by volunteers. Anglican and Catholic Religious Education is currently available as well as Ethics classes offered, if minimum numbers of 8 students per teaching stage are met. Parents can nominate their preferences by completing a form in the School Bytes Parent Portal. Students not attending either of these will be supervised in the library by a teacher.